How to set up the New ‘Eye Tracking’ feature on iPhone Apple iOS 18?

Eye Tracking feature on iPhone Apple iOS 18

Apple’s iOS 18 introduced a groundbreaking accessibility feature called Eye Tracking, which allows users to control their iPhone using just their eyes. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals with physical disabilities, offering a hands-free way to navigate their devices.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up and use the Eye Tracking feature on your iPhone running iOS 18.

What is Eye Tracking?

Eye Tracking in iOS 18 leverages the front-facing camera and advanced machine learning algorithms to detect and follow your eye movements. This feature enables you to perform various actions on your iPhone, such as opening apps, scrolling through content, and selecting items, all by simply looking at the screen.

How to set up the New Eye Tracking feature on iPhone Apple iOS 18?

Before you can start using Eye Tracking, you must ensure that your iPhone is running iOS 18.

Follow these steps to set up the feature:

  1. Update to iOS 18: Make sure your iPhone is updated to the latest version of iOS 18. You can check for updates by going to Settings> General>Software Update.
  2. Open Settings: Launch the settings app on your iPhone.
  3. Navigate to Accessibility: Scroll down and tap on Accessibility.
  4. Select Eye Tracking: Under the Physical and Motor Section, tap on Eye Tracking.
  5. Enable Eye Tracking: Toggle the switch to turn on Eye Tracking. You will be prompted to follow a calibration process.
  6. Calibrate Eye Tracking: Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the Eye Tracking feature. This involves tracking a colored circle around the screen with your eyes. The calibration ensures that the feature accurately detects your eye movements.

Using Eye Tracking

Once Eye Tracking is set up, you can start using it to control your iPhone. Here are some key functionalities and tips for using Eye Tracking effectively:

1. Navigate the Home Screen

    With Eye Tracking enabled you can navigate your iPhone’s Home Screen by simply looking at the app icons. To open an app, focus your gaze on the app icon until it is highlighted, and then maintain your gaze for a few seconds to detect it.

    2. Scrolling Through Content

    To scroll through content, such as web pages or social media feeds, look at the bottom or the top of the screen. The Eye Tracking feature will detect your gaze and automatically scroll in the corresponding direction.

    3. Selecting Items

    When you want to select an item, such as a button or a link, focus your gaze on the item until it is highlighted. Maintain your gaze for a few seconds to activate the selection.

    4. Using Dwell Control

    Eye Tracking in iOS 18 includes a feature called Dwell Control, which allows you to perform actions by maintaining your gaze on a specific point for a set duration. To customize Dwell Control:

    • Open Settings and go to Accessibility
    • Under the Physical and Motor selection, select Touch.
    • Tap on AssistiveTouch and enable it.
    • Scroll down to the Dwell Control section and adjust the dwell time and other settings as needed.

    Tips for Optimal Use

    To get the best experience with Eye Tracking, consider the following tips:

    • Stable Surface: Place your iPhone on a stable surface, such as a stand, approximately 1.5 feet away from your face. This ensures that the camera can accurately track your eye movements.
    • Good Lighting: Ensure that you are in a well-lit environment. Poor lighting conditions can affect the accuracy of the Eye Tracking feature.
    • Recalibrate if Needed: If you notice that the Eye Tracking feature is not responding accurately, you may need to recalibrate it. Go to Settings> Accessibility>Eye Tracking and follow the calibration process again.

    Also Read: iPhone 16 Pro Pro Tips for customization

    Benefits of Eye Tracking

    The Eye Tracking feature in iOS 18 offers several benefits, particularly for users with physical disabilities:

    • Hand-Free Control: Eye Tracking provides a hands-free way to control your iPhone, making it easier for individuals with limited mobility to use their devices.
    • Increased Accessibility: This feature enhances the overall accessibility of the iPhone, allowing more users to interact with their devices independently.
    • Enhanced User Experience: By Enabling users to navigate their devices with their eyes, Eye Tracking offers a more intuitive and seamless user experience.

    Potential Challenges

    While Eye Tracking is a Powerful feature, it is still in the early stages of development and many have some limitations:

    • Accuracy: The accuracy of Eye Tracking can vary depending on factors such as lighting conditions and the stability of the device.
    • Learning Curve: Users may need some time to get accustomed to using Eye Tracking, especially if they are new to this type of technology.
    • Battery Consumption: Continous use of the front-facing camera for Eye Tracking may impact battery life. It’s a good idea to monitor your battery usage and adjust settings as needed.


    The Eye Tracking feature in iOS 18 is a significant step forward in making technology more accessible and user-friendly. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can set up and start using Eye Tracking on your iPhone, unlocking a new way to interact with your device. Whether you have physical disabilities or simply want to explore new ways of using your iPhone, Eye Tracking is a unique and innovative solution.

    Give it a try and experience the future of hands-free control with iOS 18!

    Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further assistance!